Deep​ Clean of the Heart

And we boast in the hope of the glory of God… (Romans 5:2). 

What we truly believe about God and His word is made manifest when our circumstances don’t go the way we’d hoped. We can say all we want that we believe God is great, good and mighty, but when things don’t go the way we wanted in life we become impatient, angry and lack faith.

“But, God! Now what? What am I supposed to do!?” We say to ourselves. We feel a sense of injustice. We lack the faith to believe that God is truly working all things out for His glory and for our ultimate good.

A.W. Tozer says, “The gravest question before the Church is always God Himself, and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like.”

Sometimes God has to dig through the trash heaps of our hearts to get to the root of an ignoble thought about Him. I’m learning that maybe I’m a bit too self-reliant. That at the root of my heart which loves to know the plan is a person who just really likes to be in control of the future because it feels more comfortable there. It feels safer to know what lies around the corner. However, I believe God is taking me to the trash dump. He’s challenging me to sort through the lies so that I might find Him there as I work with Him to clean out the deception I have held onto so tightly.


Maybe you’re there too, in a season of waiting on God. A season where He’s reshaping you and making you new. A season where it feels unfair or difficult. A season where all your buttons are being pressed and your heart is being laid bare. This is a good place to be. This is where God shows up if you let Him. It’s a place where a lie can be unraveled so that God’s truth might reign anew in your heart and mind for His glory.

Oh Lord, you are so good. My heart is full. My life is safe and secure in you. I need not fear today or tomorrow. I need not live in the places of anxiety or discouragement, because I have you. Give me today my daily bread. Thank you thus far for your provision. Show yourself strong and mighty in my life, in Jesus name, Amen.

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