Believe What is True

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer…(Matthew 21:17)

Last night, my daughter had a bit of an emotional breakdown. She gets very worked up when she gets a small scrape anywhere on her body. She starts to believe all these lies that something bad is going to happen and she can’t stand the thought of this little wound being on her body. As I asked the Lord for help with my child I sensed His grace that reminded me that she simply needed someone to be God’s comfort and love to her.

I told her, “Adah, whenever you feel afraid tell yourself, God loves me. He is healing me right now and I’m going to be OK.” For some reason she doesn’t always believe her little cuts and scrapes are going to get better, so every time she cried out with the lies she was believing I reminded her with truth. As we prayed together we asked God to heal her little scrape and for peace to reign in her heart knowing that she can trust God.

Do you ever feel that way? So afraid, and caught up in lies that you can’t even hear the voice of God? I have found, at least for me, it’s not that I can’t hear the voice of God, I just ignore it. Yet, Jesus reminds us in the gospels that anyone who has faith and does not doubt can say to a mountain, “Move and be thrown into the sea!” We do not live defeated lives but freed ones. We don’t live as people incapable of deliverance, but completely able because of our King. The problem is we don’t often walk forward in our deliverance because it usually requires risk and faith.

We want life to be safe and comfortable. We want it to be free from pain, but just as I have told my daughter many times and as I was talking with an older gentleman at the park yesterday, we will face hardships, but we can trust God. Someday, there will be a day when we will no longer experience pain or suffering, but for now we will. Yet, we await a day when Jesus, our King will ride in and make all things new! Until that day we endure and know that our sufferings are producing in us greater glory.

So friend, if you want an abundant life, seek one through the risen Lord Jesus and His truth. However, if you want to live defeated stay where you are and make sure to cuddle those lies, because their mission is to destroy you and the things you love. If you have no joy in life it could be because you’ve held fast for too long to many, many lies. Believe now in faith, that just as our risen Lord says, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Believe it, because you’re not meant to live the way you’ve been. You were meant to walk across parted waters, see walls and giants fall and experience the miracles of God. Yet all of them require you to walk in and by faith. So, lets do it and change the world for Christ!

Lord, help us to walk in truth. Help us to see and run from lies and be made new in the attitude of our minds. Walk with us each day so we can truly walk in your ways, in Jesus name, Amen.

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